How do I request a refund from Expedia?

Expedia is an American-based online platform through which you can make a flight reservation, rent a cab or hotel room and even book a cruise trip. If you have already made a reservation from Expedia and due to any reason, you have to cancel the booking and request a refund. But if you have no idea how do I request a refund from Expedia, then no problem, as you can contact customer support or cancel your booking through the website.

Expedia refund policy

If you want to cancel your booking and request a refund, read the policy; it will help you get more information on the refund. Below are the points from the policy that you can read to know about the terms and conditions:

  • Expedia has a 24-hour cancellation policy, which means you will receive a full refund if you cancel your flight within 24 hours of making the purchase.
  • If you cancel your ticket after 24 hours, you will not get a full refund.
  • As soon as your refund process starts, you will get an email about the receipt and the time you get your refund.
  • You will get your refund amount through the same mode you used to make the payment and in the same currency.

Two quick methods to request a refund 

There are two methods available to cancel your booking and request a refund quickly. You can follow any of the methods and get your money back from Expedia:

Through the website - If you want to cancel your reservation but do not know how do I request a refund from Expedia, then you can do it directly through the official website. Following are steps through which you can cancel your flight through the website:

  • Open Expedia's official website on your web browser.
  • Click on the "Trips" section on the home page.
  • Enter your "Ticket number" and "Last name." 
  • Then you have to select the option to cancel your airline ticket.
  • After that, you will get a message from Expedia to your email about the cancellation. 

Through Phone number - You can contact Expedia through the phone number and tell the executive about your issue, then provide the ticket information, and the executive will help you with your problem and provide a solution. Here are instructions to cancel your booking through phone number:

  • Call the Airline customer number from your cell phone.
  • Select any language and follow the prompts to cancel your flight.
  • Then, you will get through with the customer support executive. 
  • Provide your flight information to the executive and explain your situation, then the executive will help you to cancel your flight and process your refund.

What is the refund time for Expedia?

If you have canceled your reservation with Expedia and they have processed it, then the financial institution will take up to 7 days to refund your amount. You will get the amount through the same mode you used to make the payment and in the same currency.

After reading the above information, you must have known about how does Expedia refunds work and at what time you will get your refund. If you want any other information, you can contact customer support, and the agent there will tell you the answer.

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