How do I cancel my Expedia reservation?

Expedia is a travel shopping company that offers customers to book their flights and hotels at low cost. Even if the price is low, the customers can avail of one of the best services and hospitality in the world. They can cancel their reservation under their policies if it requires cancellation of their reservation. This article will give you insight into How do I cancel my Expedia reservation with straightforward methods. To learn about their policies and cancellation process, follow along.

What is the Cancellation policy of Expedia?

To cancel your reservations with Expedia, you must remember that they follow specific rules and regulations. You can learn about these critical policy points in the following section:

  • Customers can cancel their reservation within 24 hours without any charges, and they will get their full money back. They will only charge you money in 24 hours if the time for your trip is less than a week.
  • An amount applied as a cancellation fee will depend on factors such as cabin, class, and reservation price.
  • According to Expedia cancellation policy, non-refundable tickets can only cancel their reservation within 24 hours of booking.
  • They take all the airfare as a cancellation fee if the customers fail to show up on the day of the trip.

How to cancel your reservation on Expedia?

Cancellation of reservations follows an easy process. To cancel your reservation, you can use any of the following methods.

Through online method:

Please take the following steps to cancel your reservation:

  • Go to the Expedia website on your browser,
  • Click on the manage booking option.
  • Please enter your reservation number and name to get the reservation details.
  • Look for the Cancel button to cancel your reservation.
  • They will ask you to confirm your cancellation. Once you approve it, some pages will pop up on your screen. Follow the prompts.
  • You will get a confirmation email confirming that your cancellation process is complete.

Through offline method:

You can get your cancellation via the online method, but if you face any problem while canceling online, you can contact customer service to cancel your reservation. Please take the following steps to cancel it through the offline method:

  • Search for the Expedia website on your search engine.
  • Click on the Support section.
  • Go to the Call category and look for their customer service number.
  • You can get their customer agent quickly at 1(800)EXPEDIA.
  • The call will proceed with the instructions of IVR.
  • Listen intently as they give you the instructions and follow them simultaneously by entering the keys on your keypad.
  • Soon they will connect your call to their agent.
  • Request them to cancel your reservations and provide the details of your booking.
  • They will cancel it and send the confirmation email.


Expedia is a popular platform not just for its amazing offers for reservations but the services and support that it offers to its customers. You can get access to the information; how do I cancel my Expedia reservation in the above section? You can save a lot if you do not need your reservation and cancel it on time. Further, you can apply for a refund, and they will initiate the process if your reservation is eligible for the same.

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